BeQCI Community Event

BeQCI Community Event

Cas d’utilisation d’une Infrastructure de communication quantique (ICQ)

Le CETIC présentera un cas d’utilisation lors du prochain BeQCI Community Event.

Date: 13 September 2024

Event: CETIC talks 


Scalability of embedded systems and IoT networks 

Innovation theme: Cyber Security 

Contact : Laurent Deru

The BeQCI project is glad to announce the BeQCI Community Event, a half-day event organized by the consortium to showcase the milestones achieved and the outstanding results obtained in this first part of the project. Do not miss the chance to know more about the project and to be part of the community!
The event will feature talks from consortium partners and external speakers, which will give an overview on quantum communication in general and on the practical implementations and results of the project.


Time Speaker Organization Topic
13:30 Kristiaan De Greve imec BeQCI: the first open Belgian quantum testbed
13:40 Giacomo Carrara UGent Quantum-safe communication: state-of-the-art and prospective
14:00 Ingrid Romijn Q*Bird A QKD technology provider’s prospective
14:30 Break
14:45 Jonathan Van Overmeir Belnet Belnet’s role in BeQCI and its internal use case
15:00 Cedric Bruynsteen IDLab design Gent use case and imec’s research in integrated chips
15:15 Laurent Deru CETIC IoT use case in Redu
15:30 Jean Liénardy Royal Military Academy A different solution for quantum-safe communication: post-quantum cryptography
15:45 Networking drink

Venue: Palais des Académies, situated in Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles – Belgique.

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