The BEM solution helps enterprises to minimise the fallout resulting from unexpected events, especially in the transportation and distribution sectors, thanks to an affordable yet optimised implementation of intelligent workflow management to solve complex problems and deal with unexpected situations.
Engineering of complex IT systems ⊕
Domaine: Transport & logistics ⊕
The goal of the BEM project is to develop and validate a new IT approach to manage unexpected events in the transportation and distribution sectors. Such events can deeply affect physical and organisational flows, requiring complex process re-alignment and re-optimisation to bring the system back into normal operation.
BEM proposes a process management solution built on top of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence engines and fitted with temporal coordination capabilities. The goal is to minimise the negative consequences of incidents and simplify flow management.
The BEM tool is deployable in logistic environments and integrates the following key elements:
For the project, CETIC notably produced a goal-oriented requirements analysis using the KAOS approach and the Objectiver tool, as well as a tool-supported methodology to describe the different processes, activities, events, exceptions and resources involved in a specific application domain. This methodology includes:
BEM provides enterprises with:
Publications scientifiques
Isabelle Linden, Myriam Derbali, Gabriel Schwanen, Jean-Marie Jacquet, Ravi Ramdoyal, and Christophe Ponsard, On Dynamically Building Process in...
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Publications scientifiques
Ravi Ramdoyal, Christophe Ponsard, Myriam-Amina Derbali, Gabriel Schwanen, Isabelle Linden and Jean-Marie Jacquet, A Generic Workflow Metamodel...
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Publications scientifiques
Isabelle Linden, MyriamDerbali, Gabriel Schwanen, Jean-MarieJacquet, Ravi Ramdoyal, and Christophe Ponsard, Supporting unexpected situations in...
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